Sunday, May 8, 2011

The wonderful people in the weekend/s

Happy moments always pass that quickly, it is just like a lightning :(. The happiest thing will be the person/people/situation that you actually spending time with. On the other hand, here comes the saddest thing,it can only be remembered or it will always remain a memory to us, you can't go back and have them once again or just act it out in the future, coz it is -JUST NOT THE SAME ANYMORE-.

I truly believe every single thing or individual that exist in my life isn't a coincident, it's definitely the will of God to happen for a reason. Since I came to Adelaide for about two years and 5 months, everything changed and my perception changed gradually as well (without exaggerating). I became a different person, not the old me tho :)The biggest changes in me is the inner appreciation of friendship, and I have ever mentioned that before, "I have finally walked out from the comfort zone, therefore I see things differently" and yes you!you!you and YOU!!!! are part of my life journey which I needed to run better in the race:)

There is a very meaningful verse to me in bible Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two are better than one :)So, dear friends, if you ever felt lonely and have no one to turn to, please look at your shadow and think of those who constantly care for you and accompany you along the journey, they will never leave or abandon you :)cheers mate!!!

Yes, she is my besties Joyce and he is my besties too- Emmanuel :*

You are awesome, you have always got a place in my heart

AND....ALL the wonderful YOU !

Having a weekend spent with the beautiful people watching movies :) Hmm...totally loving it:)and also the most delicious dessert in Adelaide, some say Australia :p

Made by Mr. Yuan Renn Oii

The two very blessed ladies on earth stand a chance to taste it :)

It was so yummy-licious and we can't resist the temptation to have the second one

Is me!!!!SLURrrp.......burp~


  1. So true....And I thank God for knowing awesome people like u guys too! Let us all continue to support, encourage and run the race together!:)

  2. Jeshua!!!! yes:) Glad to know you too! Love hearing your story regarding your loyalty towards Malaysia. It is amazing:p
