Sunday, March 31, 2013


Easter remembers me of who I am today. It reminds me again and again, it is not a religion that caused me to celebrate Easter. However it is totally about how God wants me to draw near to HIM and he shed HIS blood for me, crucified on the cross and rose again for the sake of me. How great is our God. I always have a self condemnation that I am a sinner;I prayed when I have difficulties; I have done so much which saddened God's heart and so on. Guys, -God doesn't look at our past, He just wants us to come back to Him-. How merciful our God is:) Every Easter teaches me how precious I am, but this Easter doesn't only teach me how much Jesus loves me, it also taught me how precious our lives are. I promised myself and God that I will start an Extraordinary relationship with HIM, so that I will not have any regrets bout my life:) How about you my dear friends? With love, ME

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